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2024 - Bocchio M, Vorobyev A, Sadeh S, Brustlein S, Dard R, Reichinnek S, Emiliani V, Clopath C, Cossart R. Functional networks of inhibitory neurons orchestrate synchrony in the hippocampus. PLOS Biology  Oct 14;22(10):e3002837.
2023 - Leprince E, Dard F, Mortet S, Filippi S, Giorgi-Kurz M, Bourboulou R, Lenck-Santini P, Picardo MA, Bocchio M, Baude A, Cossart R. Extrinsic control of the early postnatal CA1 hippocampal circuits. Neuron 111 (6), 888-902. e8
2021 - Cavalieri D, Angelova A, Islah A, Lopez C,  Bocchio M, Baude A, Cossart C. CA1 pyramidal cell diversity is rooted in the time of neurogenesis. eLife, 10:e69270
2020 - Bocchio M*, Gouny C*, Angulo-Garcia D, Toulat T, Quiroli E, Baude A, Cossart R. Hippocampal hub neurons maintain distinct connectivity throughout their lifetime.
Nature Communications 11:4559. 
2019 - Bocchio M, Lukacs IP, Stacey R, Plaha P, Apostolopoulos V, Livermore L, Sen A, Ansorge  O, Gillies MJ, Somogyi P, Capogna M. Group II Metabotropic Glutamate Receptors Mediate Presynaptic Inhibition of Excitatory Transmission in Pyramidal Neurons of the Human Cerebral Cortex. Frontiers in Cellular Neuroscience 12, 508. 
2017 - Sengupta A, Bocchio M, Bannerman DM, Sharp T, & Capogna M. Control of amygdala circuits by 5-HT neurons via 5-HT and glutamate co-transmission. The Journal of Neuroscience, 37(7), 2238–16. 
2016 - Bocchio M, Fisher SP, Unal G, Ellender TJ, Vyazovskiy VV & Capogna M. Sleep and serotonin modulate paracapsular nitric oxide synthase expressing neurons of the amygdalaeNeuro, 3(October).
2016 - Bocchio M, McHugh SB, Bannerman DM, Sharp, T., & Capogna, M. Serotonin, amygdala and fear: assembling the puzzle. Frontiers in Neural Circuits, 10, 10:24. 
2015 - Bocchio M, Fucsina G, Oikonomidis L, McHugh SB, Bannerman DM, Sharp T & Capogna  M. Increased serotonin transporter expression reduces fear and recruitment of  parvalbumin interneurons of the amygdala. Neuropsychopharmacology, 40(13), 3015–3026.
2015 - Bazelot M*, Bocchio M*, Kasugai Y, Dodson PD, Fischer D, Ferraguti F, Capogna M. Hippocampal theta input to the amygdala shapes feedforward inhibition to gate heterosynaptic plasticity. Neuron, 87(6), 1290–1303. 
2014 - Bocchio M & Capogna M (2014). Oscillatory substrates of fear and safety. Neuron, 83(4), 753–755.

Neuromodulation of Cognition Lab, Department of Psychology, Durham University


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